Saturday, April 10, 2010

family dramarama

So, I should start this post by saying I adore my parents, they are caring, supportive, and all other good parentish qualities. I have always felt lucky to have them as parents.

However (you knew that was coming didn't you?)

They are (still) in the midst of getting legally split. I shall explain the sob story later, but here are examples of phone/text conversations with them.

Me : Oh my god Mumsie, there is a Harry Potter exhibit in the Ontario Science Center, we must go see it!

Mumsie: Oh yes, we must!

Me: Maybe we should go around June 6th, we'll be there for the concert anyways*

* My dad had purchased tickets to a Dixie Chicks/Keith Urban concert for my mum, little blister and I. It will take place in Toronto (as does the Ontario Science center)

Mumsie: So did he set up flights?

Me: Uhhh.....don't think so. But he got the concert tickets which are way harder to get.

Mumsie:'d think he'd have the decency to call me and tell me about this. I really hope nothing bad ever happens to me, cause in an emergency I don't know who would take care of Caroline (My little "blister" Caroline has autism and cognitive delays).

Me: Hmm, well he played Pebble Beach (Golfers Mecca) yesterday, so I guess he's still around that area.

Mumsie: long rant with the following themes:
  • Golf is the most important thing to my father
  • we don't know which country he's in half the time
  • He (my dad) is probably with his Brazilian wench
  • He has a responsibility to Caroline which he is not acknowledging
  • He has mental health issues (Yay! So do I! I love genetics)
  • Brazilian wench
Now this is communication from my father (text messages)

- Love you grasshopper! Can't wait to see you on Monday! How was your day? Socks!
- Just played Pebble Beach grasshopper! Feel like I'm in heaven! Having dinner with 6 clients now. How was your day? Socks!

Ok, that made it seem like Mumsie's a bitch and Dudesie (my dad) is just being picked on. It's not the case- my mum displays anger because my dad has caused her more pain than anyone else in her life. I do appreciate her honesty, but as their child it is difficult to listen to. My conversations with Dudesie are usually brief, usually texted, and often superficial. I have a hard time opening up to him, as in the past that sort of thing was my Mums job. Since going through what I call Depression C, he has been much more attentive to my emotional health. It is lovely to know that he cares so much, but all we talk about is me. I often don't know which country (or continent) he is or if he has moved to a different house. I am really in the dark about his personal life. I often feel like the truth is being kept from me, which is very patronizing in my opinion (ok, he is my father, so I suppose he's supposed to act that way?). So we talk about yoga, how I went on a bike ride, and what golf course he played at.

The nub if the matter is that I get contradictory responses from the two of them, putting me in an awkward position. I often declare "I'm Switzerland! I'm neutral! Let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya!", but it is inevitable sometimes. Unless of course, you pretend the problem doesn't exist.

End scene,

PS: My crazy was not caused by them

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