Sunday, September 19, 2010

No longer sick, still shingley.

Hey readers,

I'm happy to announce that although the blistering rash on my back is still present (and a little itchy and sore) I know longer feel so blarged. I apologize for the lack of communication, but you know how it is when you're sick. I did a lot of "sleeping" (IE: me lying in bed with my eyes shut begging my brain to turn off). Thankfully I didn't miss any class, but I had to miss my first days of placement (which is a bummer and a half). Oh well, forward and onward!

I thought I'd resume my Sunday reflections (at least for this week!) so here we go:

  • What did I learn last week? I've learned that shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus that exists dormant in your spinal cord and randomly decides to break loose and make you miserable.
  • What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week? I finally got withdrawals from my fall 2009 courses. Such an ordeal for something so seemingly simple. However, now it's done and the "F" and "D-" are off my transcripts.
  • Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why? I hate to sound redundant, but being diagnosed with shingles.
  • What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish this week? I need to send some important emails to profs, get a referral for my follow up MRI and start working on my assignments. I think all three of those are equally as important
  • What can I do right now to make the week less stressful? Hmm..I'll give myself reminders on my iphone
  • What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week? Procrastination (as always), not getting enough of a social life, dwelling on past struggles instead of moving forward.
  • What was last week’s biggest time sink? Time spent in bed feeling lonely and shitty. Not entirely my fault (as I was sick), but I can't make it a habit
  • Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped? I really need to reorganize things like my art supplies and go through a bunch of papers....blech! I also need to remind myself what I'm working towards and not dwell on past difficulties.
  • What have I been avoiding that needs to get done? Assignments and readings (I know, bad Alex!), cleaning, getting together with people
  • What opportunities are still on the table? The opportunities to meet new, amazing people are still numerous, and I need to take advantage of that. I also have a self reflection paper coming up for my direct practice course, and it has the potential to communicate where I've come from and where I want to go as a social worker.
  • Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to? Oh yes! Too many people to list.
  • Is there anyone that deserves a big ‘Thank You’? The director of undergraduate studies for helping me with the whole withdrawal process, my roommate for putting up with my laziness this week, Phoebe for being at my side constantly making me feel very loved.
  • How can I help someone else this coming week? I start my new placement, so there's a chance I can help around there....though I'll likely be filling out forms and getting acquainted with the shelter. There's a couple little things I'd like to do to put smiles on a couple people's faces- hopefully I remember!
  • What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years? I felt pretty embarrassed with how I answered this question last time. As always, getting my bachelor of social work degree is a big priority. "Finding love" now sounds cheesey enough for me to want to puke, so I think I'm going to change it to "create meaningful, lasting relationships". The other one is just to stay in a good place and not relapse.
  • Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals? Well, I've gotten those withdrawals done and I've went and chilled with Toar, so I guess?
  • What’s the next step for each goal? BSW: Do my motherforking readings and assignments, f'reals. Relationships: Talk. To. People? Staying Sane: We'll see about that :p
  • What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week? CLASS! PLACEMENT! (I know I'm nerdy). Oh, and taking back the night on thursday!
  • What are my fears? I'm scared of rejection, and I'm scared that I'll isolate. I am a little nervous that my pre op appointment will result in a delayed surgery due to shingles. My MRI results (I know it's likely nothing and I'm probably being a hypochondriac...but still).
  • What am I most grateful for? Being back in school. Knowing I can cope without my disorder(s). All the lovely people in my life.
  • If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with? Anyone and everyone- I am surrounded by so many amazing people I can't possibly list them all.
  • Ok, I *may* have the zine information complete by the end of the day- but you know me so don't get your hopes up too much :p

    Peace, Love and Veggies,


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