Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day- Woohoo! and why is someone using a chainsaw at 10pm?

Hello readers,

I am eating peanut butter sandwich crackers and brewing herbal tea as I listen to the jarring squeals of my neighbour using a chain saw in his backyard. Perhaps I'm being unreasonable, but can't he leave it until morning? Unless he's a sereal killer....if so he really sucks for doing it in the middle of a densely populated urban area.

So pallios I had my first day of my student placement! It's at the women's program at a local shelter (shepherds of good hope aka "sheps"). I'm excited- everyone seemed really awesome. There was a slight scream a thon, which certainly made things interesting. However it didn't turn physical or last long, so I'm not complaining.

Oh, and to make it easier I shall log my placement hours: 9am to 2pm - 5 hours

What else....I'm been feeling a little overwhelmed by everything I need to get done. It's definitely a manageable amount of stuff, but you know when you get all frazzled and it kind of paralyzes you and you can't get anything productive done? That would be me. I'll get over it though, no worries.

Besides the minor stress, I'm excited that all of this has started. It really hit me today - "this is a normal life, this is how things are supposed to be", and that made me so happy. It really hit me when I was eating a sammich I had just grabbed on the go at market organics- the disorder has lessened so much. I'm not constantly thinking about food, weight, calories, fat grams, sugar grams, numbers numbers numbers...You get the idea. Is it gone? Hell no. I brought my scale to Toar on the agreement that I would use it at the end of every appointment (as opposed to my hundred plus a day regime). I'm gaining a bit of weight and it's making me miserable if I think about it. I know it's not likely noticeable and I know my emotional well being is worth it....but fork it's not easy.

Anywhoseit, I'm beat and chain saw dude has stopped. I'm gonna knock myself out now!

Peace, Love and Veggies,


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