Sunday, August 29, 2010

sunday reflection....hopefully I can keep this up!

20 Questions to ask yourself every Sunday:

What did I learn last week?
The week reminded me how important getting out and seeing people is to my overall well being. I am an introvert, but my tendency to isolate is really unhealthy. Gotta work harder I guess.

What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week?
I got through my studies in addiction exam and I feel relatively confident about it. I was also able to get out and not be such a hermit!

Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why?
Well it was pride, which in itself is memorable.....the dyke auction? The march? Oh I also got to meet an awesome dog (shout out to Morty!).

What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish this week?
It's a bit of a tie, but ultimately I have to get my practicum completely sorted out (IE: submitting my initial contract, setting up a schedule etc.). I also have to submit documentation to get a retroactive withdrawal from my class. I need that D- erased ASAP!

What can I do right now to make the week less stressful?
A little bit of cleaning/organizing would do me good. Also if I could get my new printer working that would be fabulous.

What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week?
Hahahaha....I could write a novel on this question! As always, avoidance of all hermity behaviours would help. Also the whole motivation/organization thing. There's always the charming depression and eating disorder that come around to play from time to time...but I'm working on fighting them off.

What was last week’s biggest time sink?
The interwebs in general. Facebook/compulsively checking email/the ppk all get me into trouble. It's funny, cause I am on these sights to fulfill the need for social interaction, yet it keeps me from real, face to face interaction which is always more satisfying.

Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped?
There is a tonne of paper and junk strewn about my bedroom floor, so that situation should be dealt with pronto. I have a lot of baggage in general, but I'm trying to work on the social anxiety and disordered thoughts/behaviours. So instead of having oversized packages of them, I'll just have a small under 100 ml container of them.

What have I been avoiding that needs to get done?
Taking Phoebe and Nona to the groomers to get their nails clipped. I can't do it by myself and they both really need it, but it is a pain to book the pet taxi and take them. Gotta suck it up though, they're my furkids! I need to get a lot of school stuff straitened out, and the clock is ticking. My practicum needs to be organized, I need to submit my Doctors letters to the registrars office, and I need to contact the PMC (disabilities accommodation services thingy) so I don't get screwed over (as much) again. I really need to clean out the fridge - that teriyaki tofu is probably developing it's own little ecosystem by now. Oh and bills! They must be paid!

What opportunities are still on the table?
I have been meeting a whole bunch of new people and would really love to get to know them better and start friendships. I am pretty much off for the next week and a half, which can be good and bad. If I just stay at home and wallow obviously it won't be productive. However, it can give me an opportunity to put things in place so this academic year can be awesome with awesome sauce.

Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to?
I haven't had a Claire chat in a while.....oh and Sarah, when you are back in Ottawa we must get together! Oh, and a certain lovely individual whose surname is the title of a certain religious leader....I need to send her some lovin.

Is there anyone that deserves a big ‘Thank You’?
Well, I must send out a letter to my fake Grandma who crocheted me the lovely colourful blanket. Oh and readers! I must thank all of you!

How can I help someone else this coming week?
I know that there are a lot of lovely people moving in and out and about, so if any of them need help I volunteer! Speaking of volunteering, I'm starting my volunteer training at Roger's house - should be awesome!

What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years?
Get my BSW, be emotionally/physically/mentally/spiritually/socially healthy, and (as embarrassing as this is to write) to find love.

Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals?
I've been working so hard to become "healthy" (whatever the fork that means) and I know that doing these seemingly minor administrative tasks will be a small step in getting my degree- there's some motivation!

What’s the next step for each goal?

BSW: Get everything organized so I can have an awesome academic year!
Health/wellness: Specifically, I'm still working on math freedom (hehe). Counteracting negative self talk is also really important.
and I'm too sheepish to talk about goal number 3

What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week?

Volunteer training is really exciting- I can't wait to start and I'm really happy that I'll be doing it with a friend. I know that may not seem like a lot, but I'm looking forward to the many wonders this week has to offer (wow, I should become a motivational speaker and write self help books....or not).

What are my fears?
I'm terrified of doing something wrong and offending/irritating/alienating people in my life. Yeah, this is where the social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder stuff comes into play. I'll try my best not be avoidant and get myself out there though!
I also have an eye appointment on Wednesday....and I hope it goes ok.
Oh and confronting school administrators-EEP!

What am I most grateful for?
Lovely friends, disfunctionally awesome fam jam, Phoebe and Nona, air conditioning, being physically/emotionally ready to return to full time studies, watermelon, sight.....I've got a lot to be thankful for.

If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with?
My familia definitely, but also those special friendlies I have scattered across this lovely planet. You guys know who you are love you!

Have a great week everybody!

Peace, Love and Veggies,


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