Tuesday, May 4, 2010

status quo

Hey readers,

I feel a bit guilty smuilty for being unreliable in my posting. Unlike last week where no posting = Alex's dwindling emotional stability, the past few days have been relatively uneventful. Yes, I'm still depressed and disordered, but I'm not crisis-y, making vows of starvation, spending hours alone crying....so in that sense I'm doing awesome!

However, there haven't been any breakthroughs or new insights gained- just trying to do the best I can the best I know how.

However, there are always a few little details I want to share. Here we go:

"OC transpo travel planner LIES"

In the past week I have not once but TWICE been screwed over by OC transpo's travel planner too. Usually I love that thing, makes me feel like I can navigate the world (or at least, the Ottawa/Gatineau area). However, two unsuccessful journeys have take that feeling away. First, I try to get to the Ottawa trainyards so I can go to storage solutions. I get off where I'm supposed to and walk in the direction the travel planner dictates. I wander around aimlessly, try to navigate through this strange place where there isn't a pedestrian (and at times, a sidewalk) in sight. Eventually I end up at the viarail train station. Now I realize that this is actually close to the trainyards, but at that time I had given up and just wanted to go home. I hopped into a taxi and 15.00$ later I was no closer to storage solutions than I was before I left. Poo. Oh, and when I got home I realized that on this adventure I had lost my bus pass.

A couple days later, I tried to go to petsmart.

As mentioned earlier, I am in the process of adopting a rescue rabbit. Adopting a new family member isn't something I take lightly, so I wanted to find books and all necessary supplies required to comfortably house a cute little bunnykin. However, none of the pet supplies stores near me have the proper supplies. So I decided that I needed to go to one of those huge pet supplies stores, like petcetera and petsmart. The petcetera near me had closed down, so petsmart was a viable alternative. Or so I thought.

OC Transpo managed to guide me to Bumfork Blackburn Hamlet (no offense Blackburn Hamlet residents). According to the travel planner, I was supposed to be in the middle of the petsmart-but in reality I was beside a busy roadway next to a yardsale sign. So I caught the bus going in the direction I came from and went home with yet another afternoon wasted.

This is why I like biking so much.

"Online pickup lines that FAIL"

Ok, so I joined an online dating site. I wasn't too fond of the idea, but where else can I find dudes? I'm in social work and I don't like the bar scene....so my options are kind of limited.
Some people on the site seem decent, but some are well....here are some quotes from messages they've sent to me...

"Now I'll be honest with you, I used to make fun of autistic kids"

"I'm using your picture to jerk off with now"

"Your profile kind of scared me...but..."

"Me and you are so much alike....except for the politics"

"I just read your profile and I think you and I should get married. Do you disagree?"

"Do you need a mature man?" (from a dude old enough to be my father)

"I LOVE to hunt"

Oh the internets...

Ok guys, that's all I've got. I promise to write about healing, serenity and all that bullpoop soon.

Peace, Love and Veggies,


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