Sunday, May 9, 2010

forward, backward, I'm going everywhere

Hi lovely people,

I feel like every post for the past while has started with an apology for not posting. I feel bad cause some of you claim to enjoy reading the blog, and I don't want to deprive anybody of their fun! However, I am depressed and forgetful (thanks excessive psychiatric medication!), so I may post every few days. Or every day. Ok, whenever I feel like it....I know that is rather unpredictable, but unless you want an entry that reads something like "today I stayed in bed, trying to convince myself to wake up", this system shall have to do.

Some new things have come up though. First and foremost, I am the proud guardian of a 5 month old bunny who I named Nona. She is very sweet and shy, but also very territorial. She gives pissed off little bunny grunts when I touch her in her cage or mess up her carefully arranged shredded newspaper. She has every right to be this way, as she and 6 other bunnies were found in a tiny cage (with no food or water) abandoned in a park. She was likely an poorly thought out Easter gift. This time of year many bunnies are brought to the humane society after people realize that they're not easy to take care of. So my little public service announcement is to think before you take a fuzzbutt into your home.

Tomorrow I start one of my summer courses, which is exciting and a bit intimidating. It's a sociology course, not social work (I've already taken all the ones offered in the summer). I haven't been in school since November, and even at that I missed a ton by having swine flu and a glaucoma flare up. Oh, speaking of glaucoma I have a visual field test on Tuesday at the Ottawa General's eye institute. Oh to wander the corridors of the Ottawa general, so may memories.....PFFT

What else...well to be honest I have been struggling of late. From long periods of mindless depression to self destructive thoughts (chill everyone, Toar and I have got it under control). It makes me so frustrated. Why am I not better by now? I thought I was well on my way to recovery. I often wonder if it'll get better, and if t does get better how do I know it won't happen again.

Guess all I can do is hope for the best.

Not much of a topic today, but I shall think of something insightful soon.

Peace, Love and veggies,


1 comment:

  1. It has to get better than this.

    I reject all other options.

    And i love bunnies too.
