Hey readers,
I'm sorry I've neglected this blog for so long. I've become so involved with other ideas/projects/activities that I've let this slide.
However, I want to get more involved with mental health awareness, and in January we're starting a new campaign at Carleton. I really want to share my experiences openly. So in short,I should blog more so I can figure our exactly what to say!
So you may be wondering why the title of this post is "of these fun fun games". Well,it's mainly due to a fight (?) I'm having with my Mum.
I love my Mum a lot - she's a wonderful, kind, caring person. However, as the divorce proceedings get ugly she lashes out in anger at me. A few days ago our conversation went like this:
Mum: Who will look after Caroline for the rest of her life? Who?
Me: I know that you will have most of the responsibility, and that's a lot to handle, but I promise I will be there for Caroline until the day I die.
Mum: Well I hope I outlive you both, to take care of both of you.
Me: What? I don't need to be "taken care of".
Mum: Well let's just see how long your eyesight lasts for.
Gee, thanks ma. I love how you doubt my abilities to be independent. I love how you dismiss my love and dedication to Caroline. I am so encouraged that you think my sight is going to go so soon. I especially love how you wish I would die first.
Ok, I know she made the comment out of anger, but I'm so tired of taking all of this. I try so hard to keep it together, to be supportive, and I'm the one who gets this. I know I'm whining and complaining too much....but it is stressful.
I just sent my Mum a voicemail telling her I love her and hopes she has a good night. I've done it for the past couple nights, as she refuses to take my calls.
I hope she at least listened to my message.
Peace, Love and Veggies,